Why End Times? DVD

Why End Times? DVD by Rev Willem JJ Glashouwer


25 in stock

SKU: DVDWET. Category: .

Product description

“Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” Matthew 24:3

The Last Days, The End Times, God’s promise for Israel, False Prophets, The Mark of the Beast, The Antichrist, 666, The Great Tribulation, The Apocalypse, The End of the Age, The Millennium, The Day of the Lord… What do these terms have in common? They are all related to the study of Biblical prophecy.

The DVD series (4 x 25 minutes) explore God’s prophetic plans for Israel and the nations and provides an in-depth analysis concerning the prophetic significance of Israel and her relationship to the nations.

This subject is greatly needed for people to gain understanding of what to expect and what to prepare for as the coming of Christ draws closer.

Product Type:  DVD
Time: 1hr 40mins approx.


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