
Living a Life in Victory by Rev Willem JJ Glashouwer

Rev Willem JJ Glashouwer wants to show the reader from the Bible that it is really possible to Live a Life of Victory. For with/in Christ our sin-nature also died on the cross. Therefore ‘sin’ no longer has a right to have power over us. The Holy Spirit enables us to start a New Life, so that we may walk in the Spirit and bring forth the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit. That is not a dream. That is a Biblical promise! ‘Living a Life in Victory’ every day!

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Product description

For many people today, there is no certainty anymore that god exists. Or that He – even if He does exist – has anything to do with this world or with me personally. Maybe there is a Force, a driving power behind the processes of history and Creation. But a personal God? That concept of God slowly faded after the 20th and 21st centuries’ atrocities. Science and technology have taken their place. But will they be able to save the world? Or save my life? Or give me that inner feeling of peace, happiness and bliss? Can they satisfy that inner void that I feel?

The Christian faith claims to be a religion of deliverance of redemption. A religion of inner freedom. But is there such a thing as a life that is really free? A daily life full of energy, power, enthusiasm, a life of ‘WOW’? And if that were possible, how do you get it? How can you personally participate in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ? And be free, really free?

Many Christians long to have a taste of the joy and the freedom that the Christian faith brings. At the same time they hardly notice or experience that they have been set free from ‘sin’. Many are stuck in the vicious cycle of sinning, asking for forgiveness and sinning again.

The author wants to show the reader from the Bible that it is really possible to Live a Life of Victory. For with/in Christ our sin-nature also died on the cross. Therefore ‘sin’ no longer has a right to have power over us. The Holy Spirit enables us to start a New Life, so that we may walk in the Spirit and bring forth the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit. That is not a dream. That is a Biblical promise! ‘Living a Life in Victory’ every day!

Product Type: Book


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