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Solidarity March and Celebration in Vienna, Austria – 70 Years Israel

editor - 4 September 2018

On Sunday the 2nd of September 2018, a Solidarity March for Israel took place in Vienna. This was to round off the festivities in connection with “70 years Israel”. About 500 Christians marched through Vienna, past historical Jewish landmarks, and past places where Jewish life re-emerged after 1945. In going past these places, we honoured the past, celebrated Jewish life in Vienna today and expressed our solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people.

Afterwards a ceremony with over 600 participants  took place in Hotel Marriott and a declaration in support of Israel and the Jewish people was handed to a representative of the Israeli Embassy. Also a substantial amount was collected in aid of the Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem (a project of the Jerusalem Foundation). Jewish friends and Israeli visitors joined in the March and the Celebration and together we had a wonderful event.

The Solidarity March was initiated by Christians for Israel Austria, and the following Celebration in Hotel Marriott was supported by different Christian Churches and Christian Societies: The Bund der ELAIA Christengemeinden, Charismatische Erneuerung in der katholischen Kirche in Österreich, Christen an der Seite Israels – Österreich, Freie Christengemeinde-Pfingstgemeinde in Österreich, Geistliche Gemeinde – Erneuerung in der evangelischen Kirche (GGE), Internationale Christliche Botschaft Jerusalem – Österreichischer Zweig, Weg der Versöhnung – Runder Tisch.

The ballroom of Hotel Marriott, where the Celebration with over 600 people took place.

The speakers (Helmuth Eiwen (Pastor of the ICHTHYS congregation), Marie-Louise Weissenböck (C4I Austria) Silvia Berlatski Baruch of the Israeli Embassy, (Alternate Permanent Representative to United Nations in Vienna), Dr. Raoul Kneucker (Jerusalem Foundation), Karl Klanner (ICEJ) and Pastor Edwin Jung (Pentecostal Church Austria)

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