
20th Jubilee in Germany

editor - 16 July 2018

From 15 to 17 June, more than 300 participants attended the Jubilee – Conference in Würzburg, in honour of the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel and the 20th birthday of Christians for Israel in Germany.

Harald Eckert, the chairman of the German branch, was pleased to welcome Christian and Jewish guests on the opening evening. In his message, he referred to Ezekiel 37, where the vision of the valley of the dry bones symbolises the Jewish exile and reminds us of the Holocaust. Today we rejoice in the fact that the people of Israel have started to come home and a State has been created.Verses 24 to 28 in the same chapter give us hope for a wonderful future together.

Roger van Oordt, the director of Christians for Israel Netherlands, the founding organisation of Christians for Israel International, remarked: “The Lord is faithful to His people, and He is fulfilling His promises to them. The return of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers is a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy. We are a privileged generation to witness this. But the return and restoration is not without difficulties. Like in the time of Moses, Nehemiah and Esra, there are many obstacles and wars against Israel. We, as Christians, should not be indifferent, but help the Jewish people, through prayer and practical support. It is a great privilege that God has chosen us to bless Israel.”

Marie-Louise Weissenböck, Chairwoman of Christians for Israel in Austria and Regional Director of Europe, spoke about the wonderful cooperation between Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

On the last day, Pastor Tobias Krämer, a member of the German board, preached about Deuteronomy 7:6-8. He emphasised God’s eternal love for the Jewish people and the oath He gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, binding Him to His people like a man to his wife, legally and emotionally. Paul confirmed this in Romans 11:28-29when he says that the Jewish people are loved on account of the patriarchs. Therefore it is also the mandate of Christians, to stand alongside Israel.

The conference was a very special event with times of worship, prayer, speeches by Jewish and Christian representatives, a concert by Israeli musicians, a film about Israel, among other items.

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