Why Israel? Trilogy Book Bundle

Why Israel? book, Why Jerusalem? book and Why End Times? book


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Product description


Get an inside look from a Biblical, historical and prophetic perspective at God’s work with Israel, Jerusalem, and the End Times.

Save $10 when you buy all 3 in this bundle!

Why Israel? Book:
This important book explores the Biblical significance of Israel and the Jewish people for Christians today. It looks at the concepts of replacement theology, election and covenants, and shows that the Bible supports the return of the Jewish people to the land. It challenges the church to embrace and bless the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

Why Jerusalem? Book:
This book explores the significance of the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a unique city – a holy place for many religions and the focus of world history. Ezekiel 38:12 even describes Jerusalem as ‘the center of the earth.’ This book is part two of the trilogy Why Israel?, Why Jerusalem?, Why End Times?

Why End Times? Book:
The Last Days, God’s promise for Israel, False Prophets, The Mark of the Beast, The Antichrist, 666, The Great Tribulation, The Apocalypse, The End of the Age, The Millennium, The Day of the Lord. What do these terms have in common? They are all related to the study of Biblical prophecy.

Product Type: Book Set

Number of Books: 1 Why Israel? | 1 Why End Times? | 1 Why Jerusalem?